
会买菜的孩子都是好孩子(The children who buy food are good children).doc

会买菜的孩子都是好孩子(The children who buy food are good children).doc

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会买菜的孩子都是好孩子(The children who buy food are good children)

会买菜的孩子都是好孩子(The children who buy food are good children) The children who buy food are good children The pepper is spicy, and the thinner the pulp, the more spicy. Persimmon bell shaped bell pepper, sweet bell pepper, the thicker and sweeter the flesh. 1. Potatoes: Do not break the skin, try to choose the circle, the more round the better. The skin must be dry, do not have blisters, otherwise the time is short, the taste is not good. Dont have buds and greens. Thats about it. Potatoes that sprout buds are poisonous and unfit to eat. If you find the potato skin green, dont eat a light green. Because potato change green is the sign that poisonous alkaloid exists, if edible can be poisoned. Bad potato chips are small and uneven; Damaged or worm-eaten holes; The potato patches wilted and softened, and the potatoes sprouted or turned green; Mixing more insect pests and crisps; Rotten smell The potato can not have small bud, otherwise is harmful to human body, still have to see color fresh is not fresh, do not have black similar bruising part, inside most is bad Of course the price is also on the one hand, the real price is the best! Potatoes have yellow meat and white meat. Yellow meat is more flour. White meat is slightly sweet. Too large potatoes can grow out of fashion and fiber is thicker. Frostbite or decaying potato, the color becomes gray or black, water shrinkage, should be abandoned. 2. Meat: One sniff: sniffs at the smell of meat. Fresh meat has a more pure smell and no foul odor; 2 press: press the meat surface gently with your fingers. If pressed, the gravure can be quickly restored and the fresh meat; , Touch: use your hand to touch the meat watch. If the surface is slightly dry or slightly wet, the non-sticklers are good meat; Fresh meat has a luster on its surface, and it has an inherent fragrance, which means that the pressure is elastic, the lean meat is bright red, the fat is white, the color is uniform, the exterior is dry or moist, not sticky. Poor qu


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