柠檬的45个用途(Lemons 45 USES).doc

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柠檬的45个用途(Lemons 45 USES)

柠檬的45个用途(Lemons 45 USES) Lemons can whiten, freckle, prevent insects, lower blood pressure, clean stains, etc.... Too much use! We use lemons with a lot of limitations, such as soothing sore throats or squeezing a few drops of lemonade into the food. But the truth is that lemons can be used far beyond our imagination! After reading the list of 45 lemons, make sure you keep the lemon in your kitchen forever! Remove the smell from the fridge by putting lemon juice on a cotton ball or sponge in the fridge. The potassium of lemon juice can control blood pressure and can reduce the symptoms of dizziness and nausea. Add lemon juice to the sauteed cabbage/cauliflower to prevent the heat from making the leaves brown. Lemons can save people from stress and negativity. Many travelers and explorers will use lemons as sacred objects, because lemons can be refreshing when they can be very tired. 5. Theres a lot of dirty stuff in the kitchen board, and you can freshen up the chopping board with lemon scrubbing. Lemon can solve some respiratory problems. It can make up the sputum and even relieve the symptoms of asthma. Alleviate arthritis and rheumatism, because lemons are diuretic, while excreting a lot of virus and toxin at the same time can reduce inflammation. Drink lemonade or lemon juice to prevent kidney stones because citrate can block the formation of block stones in your urine. 9. You dont need a professional deinsectization expert train to buy a toxic insecticide to keep the kitchen clean. You to do is to sprinkle with lemon juice on the edge of the door and window, in the small holes and cracks on the squeeze a few drops of lemon juice, then put sliced lemon haunt of insects, ants will never thought he was very popular here. In addition, four lemons mixed with 2 litres of water are used to mop the ground, and cockroaches and fleas will never get close. Lemon can reduce the aging phenomenon of free radicals, and lemon is an antioxidant that is healthy. 11. Spray a tea


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