柴油机3(Diesel engine 3).doc

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柴油机3(Diesel engine 3)

柴油机3(Diesel engine 3) A. 201. The piston of four stroke diesel engines is (). A. bearing side thrust B. Transfer centrifugal force C. Open and close air D. Transfer of inertial forces C 202. The working conditions of the diesel piston are incorrect (). A. bear mechanical load B. bearing side thrust C. bear the centrifugal force D. The heat load is high D 203.high power medium speed diesel engine USES the steel and aluminum alloy combination to cool the piston for its purpose (). A. Weight loss and inertial force B. Cost reduction and processing convenience C. Reduce the top thickness of the piston and reduce the thermal stress D.A + B A 204. The material of the piston head and piston skirt of Marine large and medium diesel engines is (). A. heat resistant alloy steel, wear-resistant alloy cast iron B. wear-resistant alloy steel, heat-resistant alloy cast iron C. High quality alloy steel, forged steel D. Forged steel, high quality alloy steel B 205. The piston materials of small and medium-sized diesel engines are generally chosen (). A. cast iron Aluminium alloy Copper alloy Ductile iron C 206. The disadvantages of aluminum alloy piston are (). A. Good thermal conductivity B. The friction coefficient is small C. Large expansion coefficient D. Small density and light weight A 207. The main reason why the piston of small and medium sized diesel engines is mostly aluminum alloy is (). A. Good thermal conductivity and good heat dissipation B. Small friction coefficient and good wear resistance C. the expansion coefficient is small and the deformation is small D. Light weight, heavy inertia force A 208. The working conditions and requirements of the pistons are incorrect (). A. Roof stiffness must be guaranteed by the thickness of roof B. In order to meet heat dissipation and strength requirements, the roof is mostly used in the thin-walled strong back structure C. the piston is large and the heat load is relatively large D. the piston is large, and the gap between the c



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