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legal500评出的国内IP律所排名AN, TIAN, ZHANG PARTNERS安伦CCPIT PATENT TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE贸促会KING WOOD金杜LIU SHEN ASSOCIATES柳沈2Jun He Law Offices君合Kangxin Partners, p.c.康信NTD Patent Trademark Agency Ltd永新Run Ming Law Firm润明Wan HuiDa Intellectual Property Agency万慧达3Chang Tsi Partners铸成China Sinda Intellectual Property Limited中原信达China United Intellectual Property Protection Center (CUIPPC)中联Concord Partners共和Dragon International Patent Office银龙Global Law Office环球Haiwen Partners海问Hylands Law Firm浩天信和IntellecPro International英特普罗Jingtian Gongcheng竞天公诚Lehman Lee and Xu雷曼ZhongLun Law Firm中伦Zhongzi Law Office中咨Boss Young Attorneys at Law邦信阳Broad Bright世泽C M (China) Law Offices昌明China Science Patent Trademark Agent Ltd中科Han Kun Law Offices汉坤MMLC Group铭辉达Unitalen Attorneys at Law?集佳International law firm: Bird bird,Jonesday,Thelen LLP (US) Shanghaifoley LardnerNIXON PEABODYSHEPPARD MULLINRICHTERSTEIN SHOSTAK SHOSTAKPOL-LACKO’HARA LLP SHANGHAINORTON ROSEPINSENT MASONSRopes Gray LLPAn, Tian, Zhang Partners is recognised by clients as the best IP team available’. AnXiaodi, described by clients as number one in every department’, heads a boutique that addresses each facet of IP and handles numerous IPR-related enforcement cases. Recently, the team handled landmark trade mark infringement and unfair competition suits for Sotheby’s against a Sichuan-located company. Elsewhere, the team advised on a string of lawsuits for a leading US technology company against various infringments of the copyright on one of its leading global products. David Tian is highly recommended for enforcement work.A long-term leader in trade mark work’, CCPIT Patent Trade mark Law Office is the product of the merger of CCPIT trade mark and patent arms in 1993 and consequently also boasts a considerable weight of patent activity. Notably larger than other boutiques in the market, the firm has international offices in New York, Munich and Tokyo and has recognized proficiency in enforcement matters, pros


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