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婚姻法论文 浅析离婚精神损失赔偿 专业: 法 学 教师: 魏 红 姓名: 严 龙 学号: 72 浅析离婚精神损失赔偿 摘要 离婚精神损害赔偿,指由于配偶一方的过错,如实施了通奸、姘居、重婚、遗弃、虐待或谋杀配偶的行为,造成无过错方精神上的痛苦和内心的创伤,导致婚姻关系破裂而离婚的,无过错方有权就其所受的精神损害要求过错方赔偿。无可否认,离婚时实行精神损害赔偿,使有过错一方受到经济上的制裁,使无过错方得到经济补偿和精神慰,有利于有效地维护无过错方的合法权益。方法,离婚精神损害赔偿也属精神损害赔偿的范畴。本文从精神损害的概念、性质、功能出发,重点研究了离婚损害的权利义务主体、赔偿原则及适用范围等问题。从而进一步论述了离婚精神损害的理论依据和建立离婚精神损害制度的意义。 关键词:离婚,精神损失,赔偿 Damages the spirit of divorce Abstract Divorce compensation for moral damage, that due to the fault of one of the spouses, such as the implementation of adultery, cohabited, bigamy, abandonment, abuse or murder of a spouse, causing the innocent party mental pain and sense of trauma, leading to marriage breakdown and divorce , The innocent party is entitled to the moral damage suffered its demand compensation for the innocent party. Undeniably, at the time of divorce implement the spirit of damages, so that the fault of one party by the economic sanctions so that the innocent party received financial compensation and the spirit of comfort and is conducive to effectively protect the innocent partys legitimate rights and interests. Relief damages the spirit of personal rights is an important method of harm, divorce is also damages the spirit of the spirit of the scope of damages. This article from the concept of moral damage, nature and function of, focusing on the divorce of the rights and obligations of the main damage, and the application of the principle of compensation and other issues. Thus further damage the spirit of divorce on the basis of the theory of moral damage and the establishment of a divorce system significance. Key words: divorce, the loss of spirit, compensation 一、精神损失赔偿的概念、性质、功能 (一)精神损害赔偿概述 离婚精神损害赔偿,指由于配偶一方的过错,如实施了通奸、姘居、重婚、遗弃、虐待或谋杀配偶的行为,造成无过错方精神上的痛苦和内心的创伤,导致婚姻关系破裂而离婚的,无过错方有权就其所受的精神损害要求过错方赔偿。无可否认,离婚时实行精神损害赔偿,使有过错一方受到经济上的制裁,使无过错方得到经济补偿和精神慰,有利于有效地维护无过错方的合法权益。离婚精神损害赔偿的性质是过错方违反婚姻义务,给无过错方造成精神伤害,导致离婚而应承担的民事责任,其性质是财产赔偿责任。离婚精神


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