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主管接受了情商素质培训后(比如,如何更好倾听并帮助员工自己解决问题),生产事故减少了50%,正式投诉从每年15次降低到了3次。企业生产值比目标高出250,000美元。 在另一个制造型企业,有一批主管也接受了相似的培训,生产值提高了17%;而同等级的另一批未接受过培训的主管就没有达到这个百分比。 主管接受了情商素质培训后(比如,如何更好倾听并帮助员工自己解决问题),生产事故减少了50%,正式投诉从每年15次降低到了3次。企业生产值比目标高出250,000美元。 在另一个制造型企业,有一批主管也接受了相似的培训,生产值提高了17%;而同等级的另一批未接受过培训的主管就没有达到这个百分比。 一个全国性的保险公司,情商素质得分低(自信、自发自动、同理心等素质)的保险销售人员平均一年销售保险合同所得保费 54,000美元。那些情商素质得分高的保险销售员所得报费达 114,000美元 Hands up anyone who has never did or said something they regretted afterwards (no hands should go up). You’ll be comforted to know that there is a scientific reason why this happens. Why we sometimes do or say things we immediately regret. It has to do with the way our brains are structured and organized. When stimuli travels through the brain it moves from the back of the brain to the front. Unfortunately, what this means is that stimuli reaches the emotional part of the brain (indicate the back of the head) before it reaches the thinking part of the brain (indicate the forehead). Simply put, we feel before we act. This can get us into trouble, particularly when we are under stress. If we allow our emotions to override our logical thinking we can experience a loss of self control. Therefore, we have to give the thinking part of our brain a chance to catch up and consider the implications before we react. Our actions are guided by our emotions. People who have mastered their emotions are able to adapt quickly, respond to stress and changes in the environment. You need to recognize how your emotions impact your thoughts in order to be able to control them. For each of the four clusters there are specific behaviors or competencies. We will be going over each of these competencies today. You may notice that the competencies in the Relationship Management cluster are the ones that you are most familiar with or have come across before in leadership training classes. For the other clusters, the competencies will likely be less familiar (e.g.,


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