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Classified Index: University Code: 10075 U.D.C: NO: A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts Study of zhao zhiqian seal cutting art C a n d i d a t e :Zhu Feng Supervisor :Prof.Liu Zongchao Academic Degree Applied :Master Degree of Arts Speciality :Fine Arts University :Hebei University Date of Oral Examination :June,2015 摘 要 摘 要 赵之谦是中国传统的文人艺术家,精通中国传统的文人艺术,即诗书画印这四种 艺术门类,并且均取得了很高的建树。在赵之谦从事的众多艺术门类中,他的篆刻艺 术影响最为深远,在我国篆刻史上留下了浓重的一笔。赵之谦在艺术上尊重传统,并 吸收各家门派的长处为己所用,能够做到融会贯通且博取众长形成自己风格。更难能 可贵的是他所具有的探索及创新精神,他不论从理论到实践都开启了篆刻艺术的新篇 章,成为了印坛的一代大师。赵之谦作为一个“四绝”的艺术大家,其篆刻艺术不是 孤立发展的,而是诗书画印相互融合,相互影响,共同发展的。与此同时,赵之谦篆 刻艺术的成功也并非偶然,这与他的个人经历,社会交友,以及努力奋进是分不开的。 本文以赵之谦的个人经历为线索,来论述其四绝艺术的结合,并且重点分析了他的篆 刻技术和篆刻思想的成就与影响,同时也论述了书法和绘画对篆刻艺术的影响,并通 过具体作品分析阐述。 关键词:赵之谦 文人篆刻艺术 “四绝”艺术 创新与发展 I Abstract Abstract Zhao zhiqian is a traditional Chinese literati artists, proficient in the Chinese traditional literati art, namely the four arts poem calligraphy and seal, and have achieved very high. Many art categories in the zhao zhiqian, his seal cutting art influence, the most far-reaching in the history of Chinese seal cutting left a thick. Zhao zhiqian artistically respect for tradition, and absorb the strengths of the various factions in their place, can achieve mastery through a comprehensive study and gain the long form their own style. More valuable is that he has the spirit of exploration and innovation, both from theory to practice, he opened a new chapter of seal cutting art, bec


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