娱乐英语 查理·辛承认携带艾滋病毒,曾被勒索千万美元.docVIP

娱乐英语 查理·辛承认携带艾滋病毒,曾被勒索千万美元.doc

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娱乐英语 查理·辛承认携带艾滋病毒,曾被勒索千万美元.doc

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:娱乐英语 查理·辛承认携带艾滋病毒,曾被勒索千万美元 The troubled television star Charlie Sheen revealed his H.I.V.-positive status on Tuesday, saying that he had paid people upward of $10 million to keep quiet about his condition and that he wanted to put a stop 搕o this onslaught, this barrage of attacks and of subtruths and very harmful and mercurial stories that are about me.? 周二,苦恼已久的电视男星查理·辛(Charlie Sheen)透露自己艾滋病毒(HIV)检测呈阳性,他说已经给出高达1000万美元的掩口费,并想制止“这种猛烈抨击,这种一连串的攻击和不实消息,还有那些极具伤害性且变化无常的关于我的故事。” “I am, in fact, H.I.V.-positive,” he said in a live interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today” show. 在马特·劳尔(Matt Lauer)主持的NBC现场访谈节目《今日秀》(Today)里,他说“我在此承认,我是艾滋病毒携带者。” Mr. Sheen said that part of his goal in coming forward was to put an end to the payments he was making to keep people quiet. “I think that I release myself from this prison today,” he said. 辛说,他将此公之于众的部分目的包括,停止再支付掩口费来让人帮他保密病情。他说,“今天我感觉像是把自己从监狱释放出来了一样。” The actor said he had known about the diagnosis for about four years but did not know how he contracted the virus. At first, he said, he thought he had a brain tumor. “It is a hard three letters to absorb,” he said. 这名演员说,他得知诊断结果已有大约四年,但不知道是如何感染病毒的,起初还以为自己得了脑瘤。他说,HIV“是让人很难接受的三个字母”。 In an open letter published on “Today’s” website Tuesday, Mr. Sheen, 50, said that the diagnosis had led to “a temporary yet abysmal descent into profound substance abuse and fathomless drinking” that he called “a suicide run.” 在周二发布在《今日秀》网站上的一封公开信里,50岁的辛说,这项诊断导致他“短暂陷入了极为恶劣的酗酒和严重滥用药物的境地”,他称之为“自杀行为”。 He said that during the period he “dazedly chose (or hired) the companionship of unsavory and insipid types.” 他说,在那段时间,他“昏头昏脑地挑选(或聘请)了一些无聊的人来陪伴”自己。 “Regardless of their saltless reputations, I always lead with condoms and honesty when it came to my condition,” he said. “Sadly, my truth soon became their treason, as a deluge of blackmail and extortion took center stage in this circus of deceit.” He did not provide specifics about the claims of extor



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