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37 1 Vol37, No1 2006 2 ACTA ANATOM ICA SINICA Feb . 2006 * 赵荧 张栩胤 ( , 100083) [ ] ( ) , 95% 01% S 015% ~ 03% 05% ~ 2% , , S , [ ] S [ ] R32234 [ ] A [ ] 2006) 01117 COMPOUND STAINING METHOD SHOWING OSSIFIED SKELETAL STRUCTURES AND CARTILAGE IN FETAL, NEONATAL AND ADULT RAT * ZHAO Ying , ZHANG Xuyin (Department of Histologty and Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences , Peking University, Beij ing 00083, China) [ Abstract] Objective To compare compound staining of Alizarin red S and Alcian blue show ing ossif ied skeletal stru ctures and cartilage in f etal, neonatal and adult rat . Meth ds All specimens w ere skinned and fat tissu e removed completely and eviscerated, then f ixed in 95% ethanol Acetone w as used remove f ats 01% Alizarin red S and 015%03% Alcian blue w ere used in ossif ied bone and cartilage Diff erentiation and clearing in 05%2% aqueous KOH . Results Ossif ied bones showed rose red cartilage show ed blue the others w ere transparent. C nclusi n The best results of Alizarin red S and Alician blue compound staining could be obtained in all rat skinned, eviscerated, and removed the adipose tissues . [ Key w rds] Ossif ied bone Cartilage Alizarin red S Alcian blue Compound staining Rat , : ( 18~ 20 d) ( 1 d) , , S , 95% , 4~ 8 h , , 3~ 5 d, , , 1~ 3 d , 4~ 8 h , , , , 70% , ,


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