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RESEARCHONTHINKTANKCONSTRUCTION智库建设研究 我国民间智库的培育及其发展* The Nurture and Development of Non-Governmental Think Tanks in China 李俏梅 内容提要 大力培育和发展民间智库是健全我国智库体系、实现政府决策科学化与民主化、提高政府决策效率 的客观要求和必然选择。 现阶段我国民间智库培育和发展中存在着自身建设规模小、机构不健全,人员组成单 一、流动性差,专业人才缺乏、专业化程度低,经营运转身份不明确、注册难,缺少资金来源,政府抵触,信息支持 不足等问题。 相应地,培育和发展我国民间智库的对策措施,就是着力解决民间智库自身建设和外部运行两方 面存在的制约问题。 关键词 民间智库 体制内智库 科学决策 民主决策 作者单位 武警北京指挥学院教研部 北京 100012 Li Qiaomei Abstract : To vigorously nurture and develop non -governmental think tanks, to achieve scientification and democratization in governmental decision -making is the objective requirement and inevitable choice to improve ’ China s think tank system, and to increase efficiency in governmental decision-making. Currently, in the nurture and development of non-governmental think tanks in China, there exists on the one hand such serious problems of internal construction as scale petiteness, organizational imperfection, personnel diversity and mobility deficiency, professional talents shortage, and specialization defectiveness, on the other hand such severe constraints for external operation as identity indecisiveness, registration obstacles, funding source insufficiency, governmental antipathy, and lack of information support. Accordingly, the countermeasures to nurture and develop non-governmental think tanks are in a nutshell to strive to solve the serious constraint problems for non-governmental think tanks from the aspects of both internal construction and external operation. Key words : non -governmental think tanks, governmental think tanks, scientific decision -making, democratic decision-making 所谓智库,即智囊机构,也称“思想库”或“智慧库”,是由专家组成 的、多学科的、为决策者在处理社会、经济、科技、军事、外交等方面问题


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