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2011 年1 月 水运工程 Jan. 2011 第1 期 总第449 期 Port Waterway Engineering No. 1 Serial No. 449 远离大陆辐射沙洲人工岛建设 关键技术的探讨 1 2 王建平 ,于 海 (1. 上海东华建设管理有限公司,上海 200032 ;2. 中交上海航道局有限公司,上海 200002) 摘要:江苏洋口离岸 13 km 外海辐射沙洲上建设大型人工岛,具有浅海、无遮掩、风浪大、潮差大、工程量大、工期 急迫、施工依托条件差等特点。通过对建设过程中采用的主要关键技术实施情况、效果评价以及工程实施过程中遇到的技术 问题及分析,探讨和总结外海辐射沙洲上建设人工岛的关键技术,为人工岛后续建设和类似工程提供借鉴。 关键词:外海;辐射沙洲;人工岛;技术 中图分类号:P 752 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1002-4972 (2011)01-0094-10 Key technologies of artificial island construction on offshore radiating sandbar 1 2 WANG Jian-ping , YU Hai (1. Shanghai Donghua Construction Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200032, China; 2. CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200002, China) Abstract: Construction of the large-scale artificial island project on the 13 km offshore radiating sandbar in Yangkou, Jiangsu is characterized by shallow water, shelterlessness, heavy sea, great tide range, large project quantity, tight construction period, bad construction dependence condition, etc. Based on the analysis of the execution and effect evaluation of the key technologies, and the technical problems and relevant solutions during construction, the paper summarizes the key technologies of artificial island project on offshore radiating sandbar, and renders references for subsequent and similar projects. Key words: offshore; radiating sandbar; artificial island; technology 1 工程背景 有大丰港(辐射沙洲北端)和正在建设中的吕四


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