荷花发展前景——从中国视角展望 - 国际荷花网.pdf

荷花发展前景——从中国视角展望 - 国际荷花网.pdf

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荷花发展前景——从中国视角展望 - 国际荷花网

50 中 国 园 林 荷花发展前景——从中国视角展望 The Development Prospect of Nelumbo nucifera —From the Perspective of China 王其超 / WANG Qi-chao 摘 要:中国栽培荷花历史悠久,广为种植,已成为世界荷花的栽培中心。中国又是拥有荷花品种资源最 张行言 / ZHANG Xing-yan 多、赏荷景点最多的国家。从中国视角展望,荷花的发展应发挥绿色、环保、生态、低碳植物的作用,走观 赏与实用、景观与生态、荷文化与生话及旅游相结合之路,走直接利用与全面科学利用之路。荷花在修复湿 地生态、丰富居民生活、开发农业旅游,发掘文化底蕴、研制经济产品等诸多方面,均有广阔空间,其发展 前景一片光明。 关 键 词:园林植物;荷花;湿地;发展道路;展望 文章编号:1000-6664(2011)01-0050-04 中图分类号:S 688 文献标志码: A 收稿日期:2010-09-15; 修回日期:2010-12-30 Abstract: The cultivation of Nelumbo nucifera has a long history and wide planting in China, and China has become the world center of Nelumbo nucifera cultivation. And China has the most lotus varieties resources and Nelumbo nucifera appreciation attractions. From the perspective of China, the development of Nelumbo nucifera should play the role as a green, environmental-friendly, ecological and low-carbon plant, and follow the road of combination between appreciation and practical use, landscape and ecology, and Nelumbo nucifera culture and life and tourism, as well as the road of direct use and comprehensive scientific use. Nelumbo nucifera has a broad space in restoring wetland ecology, enriching residents living, developing agricultural tourism, exploring cultural heritage, and developing economic products, and its development prospect is very bright. Key words: landscape plants; Nelumbo nucifera ; wetlands; development path; prospect 1 概况 荷花在中国有2 500年以上的栽培历史,北达黑龙江,南抵海


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