三星葱冰温储藏之研究 - 宜兰大学.pdf

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三星葱冰温储藏之研究 - 宜兰大学

三星蔥冰溫儲藏之研究 宜蘭大學生物資源學刊(2012) 8(1):33-44 三星蔥冰溫儲藏之研究 * 何昇鴻 李紘宥 吳柏青 國立宜蘭大學生物機電工程學系 摘 要 青蔥為國內重要之辛香類蔬菜,然而夏季時颱風肆虐時造成青蔥災損供不應求 ,而價格飆漲。為因應市場需求, 利用滾動式冷藏將青蔥進行儲藏,而於風災減產時釋出供應市場,以穩定青蔥價格。本研究針對冰溫庫及傳統冷藏 庫進行內部風場、溫度變化及分佈情形進行量測,以深入瞭解其穩定性及溫度均勻度。此外,量測三星蔥利用冰溫 儲藏技術在四週儲藏過程中之失重情形,並與傳統冷藏庫進行比較試驗。試驗材料採用宜蘭縣三星地區生產之小憨 種及黑葉種青蔥,並比較清洗與否、放置位置對失重情形之影響。比較冰溫庫與傳統冷藏庫內部的溫度分佈進行量 測,試驗結果顯示:無論是否放置青蔥,傳統冷藏庫的溫度分佈之均勻度皆優於冰溫庫。在青蔥儲存失重試驗方面, 冰溫庫儲存所產生的青蔥失重現象大於傳統冷藏庫;相較黑葉種青蔥,小旺種青蔥失重現象較明顯;然而青蔥清洗 與否對失重現象則無顯著影響。由於冷風流動型式之差異,青蔥放置位置明顯影響青蔥失重現象,傳統冷藏庫下層 失重現象大於上層,而冰溫庫則是上層失重現象大於下層。 關鍵詞:青蔥、冰溫儲藏、冷藏、溫度分佈 Study on the Scallion Controlled Freezing Point Storage * Shung-Hung Ho Hung-Yu Lee Po-Ching Wu Department of Bio-Mechatronics Engineering, National Ilan University Abstract Scallion is a important spicy vegetable in Taiwan. However, in the summer time the typhoon will significantly affect the scallion production, and make the scallion cost increase. According to the demand of the market, rolling type cold storage was used for scallion. This will resolve the shortages problem of scallion supply in the market and avoid the scallion price increase. This study investigated the internal air flow pattern, temperature change and distribution for traditional cold room and controlled freezing point storage, in order to determine the stability and temperature uniformity of the systems. Besides, the weight loss of scallion was investigated during the four weeks period under controlled freezing point storage. The result was compared with the traditional cold room storage.


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