胶原固载zr(郁)亲和吸附材料的制备及其对牛血清 - 生物质化学工程.pdf

胶原固载zr(郁)亲和吸附材料的制备及其对牛血清 - 生物质化学工程.pdf

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胶原固载zr(郁)亲和吸附材料的制备及其对牛血清 - 生物质化学工程

第42卷第1期 生摇 物摇 质摇 化摇 学摇 工摇 程 Vol.42 No.1 2008年1月 Biomass Chemical Engineering Jan. 2008 胶原固载Zr(郁)亲和吸附材料的制备 及其对牛血清蛋白的吸附特性 吴 晖,张米娜,姜苏杰,廖学品,石 碧* (四川大学皮革化学与工程教育部重点实验室, 四川 成都 610065) 摘摇 要:将Zr(郁)固载在胶原上,制备了亲和吸附材料(Col-Zr),并以牛血清蛋白(BSA)为模型物,研究了该吸附材料对 蛋白质的吸附特性。 结果表明:每克胶原可以固载100mgZr(郁),被固载的Zr(郁)在pH值3.0~10.0 范围内不会溶解 脱落;pH值对Col-Zr吸附BSA有较大的影响,当pH值5.0、BSA 的初始质量浓度为2.0g/ L时,吸附容量高达550mg/ g; 吸附平衡符合Langmuir方程,升高温度吸附量增加,表明其属于化学吸附过程;吸附动力学可用拟二级速率方程来描述, 由拟二级速率方程计算所得到的平衡吸附量与实测的平衡吸附量非常吻合。 关键词:胶原;固载;Zr(郁);牛血清蛋白(BSA);吸附 中图分类号:TQ424.3摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码:A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号:1673-5854(2008)01-0017-05 Preparation of Collagen Immobilized Zr(郁) Affinity Adsorbent and Its Adsorption for Bovine Serum Albumin WU Hui,ZHANG Mi鄄na,JIANG Su鄄jie,LIAO Xue鄄pin,SHI Bi (The Key Laboratory of Leather Chemistry and Engineering of Ministry of Education, Sichuan University,Chengdu610065,China) Abstract:An novel affinity adsorbent(Col鄄Zr)was prepared by immobilizing Zr(郁) onto collagen and its adsorption behaviors for proteinswere studied by using bovine serum albumin as model. It wasfound that the Zr(郁) in the adsorbent can withstand the extraction of water in the pH value range of 3.0-10.0 when the immobilized amount was 100mg Zr(郁)/ g collagen. The adsorption capacity of BSAonCol鄄ZrwassignificantlyaffectedbypHvalueof solution. Theadsorptioncapacityarrived550mg/ g at optimal pHvalue (pH=5.0)when the initial concentration of BSA was2.0g/ L. Adsorption capacity increasedwith the rise of temperature,implying that chemical reaction is included in the adsorption process. The adsorption isotherms can be well described by the Langmuir equation. The adsorption rate data can bewell fitted by the pseudo鄄se


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