二价铜离子对川蔓藻(ruppia maritima)的毒害作用研究 - 环境科学学报.pdf

二价铜离子对川蔓藻(ruppia maritima)的毒害作用研究 - 环境科学学报.pdf

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二价铜离子对川蔓藻(ruppia maritima)的毒害作用研究 - 环境科学学报

26 11 Vo.l 26, No. 11 2006 11 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae Nov. , 2006 , , , . 2006. (Rupp ia m aritmi a )[ J]. , 26( 11): 1870- 1874 L iu C G, SunH G, hang N, et a l. 2006. Tox ic effects of copper( II) on subm erged plantRupp ia m aritima [ J]. A cta Scientiae Circum stantiae, 26( 11): 1870- 1874 []: (R upp ia maritima ) 1, * 1 1 1 2 1 1 刘春光 , 孙红文 , 张 楠 , 郎宇鹏, 赵乐军, 戴树桂, 庄源益 1. 南开大学环境科学与工程学院, 城市生态环境修复与污染防治天津市重点实验室, 天津 300071 2. 天津市市政工程设计 究院, 天津 300051 : : : , ( Cu2+ ). POD 2+ - 1 3. , , Cu 1 mgL 2+ - 1 . Cu 5 mgL , . , , . : ; ; ; ; : 2006) : R994. 6 : A Toxic effects of copper( II) on submerged plantR upp ia maritmi a 1, * 1 1 1 2 1 LIU Chunguang , SUN Hongwen , HANG Nan , LANG Yupeng , HAO Lejun , DA I Shugui, 1 HUANG Yuanyi 1. Co llege of Environm ental Science Eng ineering, Nankai University, T ianjin Key Laboratory of Env ironm ental Rem ediation and Pollution Control, T ianjin 300071 2. T ianjin MunicipalEng ineering Design and R esearch Institute, T ianjin 300051 Received 22 September 2006; accepted 30 September 2006 Abstract: In an indoor expermi ent, the effects of increasing concentrations of copper( II) in w ater on subm erged plantR upp ia m aritima w ere studied to determ ine the effect of copper tox icity. Chlorophyl,l soluble prote in, and POD of


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