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5 1 环境 工程学 报 V o l. 5, N o. 1 2 0 1 1 1 Ch inese Journal of Env ironm enta l Eng ineering Jan . 2 0 1 1 1 1* 2 2 王 娟 张彭义 野泽康平 张 琳 ( 1. , 100084; 2. , 100012 A B, A , 01 3 01 5018 1 m g /m3 , 01 91~ 2178 mg / h , A , ; , B 30 h , , R1221 2 A 1673-9108( 2011 0 1-0 137-04 Study on performance of air cleaner to remove form aldehyde by continuousm ode 1 1 2 2 W ang Juan Zhang Pengy i Kohe i Nozaw a Zhang L in ( 1. D epartm en t of Environm en tal S cien ce and Eng ineering, T s inghua U n ivers ity, B eijing 100084, Ch ina; 2. Sanyo E lectric Co. Ltd. , Beijing 1000 12, C h ina Abstract Con tinuou s test m ode w as u sed to evaluate the capab ility of air cleaner A by w ater absorption- in- direct deg radat ion and air c leaner B w hich w ith activated carbon filter to rem ove form aldehyde, to exp lore m ore scient ific and reasonab le m ethods for evaluating the air c leaners to rem ove gaseou s po llutants. T he air c leaner A show ed significant capability to rem ove form aldehyde from a ir o f initial form aldehyde concen trat ions o f 013, 015, 3 018 or 1m g /m in continuou s m ode, and the correspond ing rem ova l rates ranged from 019 1 to 2178 m g / h. The rem ova l rate o f the a ir cleaner A decreased g radually w ith operation t mi e. H ow ever, it recovered and kept long term capability to rem ove form a ldehyde if w ater could be t mi ely replen ished into the e lectrol


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