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XENOBIOTICA, 1993, VOL. 23, NO. 1, 5-10 Inhibition of /?-glucuronidaseby natural glucuronides of Kampo medicines using glucuronide of SN-38(7-ethyl-10- hydroxycamptothecin) as a substrate 2 M. NARITAt, E. NAGAIS, H. HAGIWARA4, M. ABURADAI, 1 / 9 2 T. YOKOIT and T. KAMATAKI? / 0 1 n t Division of Drug Metabolism, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, o v. Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan i 1Research Institute, Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134, Japan n U 8Yakult Central Institute, Yakult Co. Ltd, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186, Japan e p T Tsumura Research Institute for Pharmacology, Tsumura Co., Ami, lbaraki 300-1 1, e t t e Japan c a H y Received 8 April 1992; accepted 26 August 1992 b . m y o l 1. 7-Ethyl-lO-[4-(piperidino)-l-piperidino]carbonyloxycamptothecin (CPT-1l), a c n . o e e potent anticancer agent currently under development for clinical use, is metabolized in viwo r a s c u to 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin(SN-38),which is subsequently conjugated to 7-ethyl- h l t a l 10-hydroxycamptothecin glucuronide (SN-38-glucuronide). The SN-38-glucuronide was a n e o hydrolysed by fi-glucuronidase from E. coli to aglycones and glucuronic acid. h s a r e m p 2. Four purified nat


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