名牌独有的文化 - Hong Kong Institute of Marketing.PDF

名牌独有的文化 - Hong Kong Institute of Marketing.PDF

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名牌独有的文化 - Hong Kong Institute of Marketing

spring 2012 | HK$80 OTHER CONTENTS \ BEYOND PROFIT SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP GREENING CONSUMERS SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION 你愛國嗎 麥加朝聖 市務學會龍舟隊開操了 名牌獨有 的文化 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR 編輯手記 CONTENT 目錄 H O N G K O N G I N S T I T U E O F M A R K E T I N G n today’s world, people are demanding for higher level of integrity and being Q U A R T E R LY S P R I N G 2 0 1 2 increasingly responsible for our surroundings of which businesses are of no I 香港市務 學會 二零 一二春 季 刊 exception. In coincide of HKIM’s support of the Social Enterprise Summit COVER STORY 封面故事 in late 2011, we dedicate a good portion of this issue of ME on Corporate Chief Editor: Chan Tsun Wan Social Responsibility with articles about thoughts that goes well beyond profit Editor: Edward Wong Advertising: Peggy Chan and profitability or marketing per se as well as a photo report on the Social Design: Designa Creation Enterprise Summit. Printing: e-print Ltd. 名牌獨有的文化 In addition, you can find two other articles from our friend in the PRC, who OUR VISION


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