
黏固剂种类及牙体预备时机对纤维桩桩核固位力的 - 第三军医大学学报.DOC

黏固剂种类及牙体预备时机对纤维桩桩核固位力的 - 第三军医大学学报.DOC

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黏固剂种类及牙体预备时机对纤维桩桩核固位力的 - 第三军医大学学报

不同牙体预备时机对纤维桩固位力的影响 胡娜 王璐 徐凌 (重庆医科大学附属口腔医院修复科 重庆 400015) 摘要 目的:评价纤维桩核粘固后不同牙体预备时机对纤维桩固位力的影响 方法:收集新鲜下颌单根前磨牙35颗,行根管治疗,桩道预备,使用Paracore双固化桩核-复合树脂水门汀粘接高强度玻璃纤维桩(Tenax Fiber White)并形成桩核。随机分为5组,前四组分别在粘接后第0min,15min,30min,24h进行牙体预备,空白组不进行牙体预备,贮存24h后,将所有牙根切割为1mm厚的试件,并按照根管的深度分为上部、中部和下部,测试其推出强度,最后在光学显微镜下观察每组纤维桩的断裂方式。结果:粘接后不同时机进行牙体预备纤维桩的固位力不同。随牙体预备时机延迟纤维桩固位力逐渐增强,24h后牙体预备桩核固位力明显高于其他组,p0.05。相同牙体预备时机根管不同部位纤维桩粘接强度也不同,根管冠1/3粘接强度显著高于根尖1/3,p0.05。结论:不同牙体预备时机对纤维桩的固位力有影响,为了获得最高的固位力,应尽量在粘接后24h后进行牙体预备,而且根管不同深度对纤维桩固位力也有影响。 关键词:纤维桩,预备时机,固位力 中图分类号:R 783.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Effect of different timing of coronal preparation on retention of fiber post Hu Na Wang Lu Xu Ling Dept of Prosthodontics, Stomatological Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400015, China Objective: To evaluate the effect of different timing of coronal preparation on the retention of fiber post after fiber post cementation.Methods: a total of thirty-five freshly extracted mandibular premolar with single-root canal were collected and endodontically treated. After post space preparation, high-strength glass fiber posts 【作者简介】胡娜(1983-),硕士。研究方向:口腔修复材料与临床 【通讯作者】徐凌,男,副教授, (Tenax Fiber White)were luted by dual-curing core and resin cement(Paracore).The teeth were divided into five groups randomly (n=7) and The tooth preparation was performed at 0 min, 15 min, 30 min, 24 h after splicing in four groups respectively. The other group without tooth preparation served as control. Twenty-four hours later, all the roots were sectioned into 1.0-mm-thick slices. The slices were classified into coronal,middle and apical groups according to the depth of root canal, and the push-out strength was then tested. The fiber post fracture modes were observed under an optical microscope.Results: Retention of fiber posts significantly increased with the time increase of tooth preparation. The retention in 24h group was significantly higher than the other groups (P0.05). In the same tooth, t



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