
胚龄、NAA 浓度、基因型对杂交小麦及其亲本幼胚培养的影响.PDF

胚龄、NAA 浓度、基因型对杂交小麦及其亲本幼胚培养的影响.PDF

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胚龄、NAA 浓度、基因型对杂交小麦及其亲本幼胚培养的影响

DOI :10.15933/j.cnki .1004 -3268.2007.06.008 河南农业科学 、NAA 、 * 栗现芳,马守才, 张改生 , 牛 娜 (, , 7 12100) :以杂交小麦西杂 一号、西杂五号及其亲本Fp1,Mp 1,Fp2,M p2 为试材, 采用幼胚培养一步成 苗法研究了胚龄、NAA 浓 、基因型对小麦幼胚培养成苗率及生长情况的影响。结果表明, 幼胚 培养最适宜的胚龄为16 d;最适宜的NAA 浓 为0.13mg/L;杂交小麦幼胚出苗率明显高于自交 小麦幼胚, 自交小麦品种中Fp2 培养成苗效果较佳。因此, 胚龄、NAA 浓 及基因型对小麦幼胚 组织培养具有明显的调节作用。在实践中应协调这些因素的作用,提高组织培养效率,从而缩短育 种年限, 加速育种进程。 :小麦;胚龄;NAA;幼胚;组织培养 :S512.2   :A   :1004-3268(2007)06-0031-04 Effects of Embr o Age, NAA and Genot pe Difference on the Tissue Culture of Immature Embr os from H brid Wheat and Its Parents * LI Xian-fang, MA Shou-cai, ZHANG Gai-sheng ,NIU Na (Shaanxi Ke Laborator of Crop Heterosis, Northwest A F Universit , Yangling, 712100, China) Abstract:As an experimental material, XZ1, XZ5 and their parents, uses immature embr os of w heat tissue culture.T he effects of age of immature embr os, NAA and different w heat cultivar s on the frequenc of seedling and grow th of the tissue culture from immature embr os of w heat were reported in this paper.The experiment results indicated that the age of immature embr os for its tissue culture w as 16d;The optimum concentration of NAA w as 0.130 mg/L;The rate of germination of h brid w heat embr o significantl higher than that of self-w heat embr o;In self- w heat varieties,Fp2 results better cultured seedlings.From all these accounts, we can safel sa that the age of immature embr os, concentration of NAA and genot pe obviousl took regulative effects on the tissue culture from immature embr os of w heat.In practice, the integrating of these effects w as not onl helpful to increase the efficienc of the tissue culture from immature embr os of w hea


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