Walking Your Dogs 与狗狗散步 - Pets Central.PDF

Walking Your Dogs 与狗狗散步 - Pets Central.PDF

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Walking Your Dogs 与狗狗散步 - Pets Central

August 2015 Issue 八月刊 Walking Your Dogs 與狗狗散步 fter last week’s article on heatstroke, you may now have 上星期有關寵物中暑的文章,你應該知道如何 Aan idea about how to keep your pets safe during summer. 繼可在炎炎夏日保護你的愛寵了。現在,是時候 With that knowledge in mind, you are now ready to walk your 與你的狗狗散步了!雖然香港有不少的遛狗服務,但 dogs! While there are many dog-walking services in Hong Kong, 它們始終不能與你自己遛狗相提並論- 畢竟你才是狗 nothing can beat walking the dog yourself. So where can you walk 狗的主人。那麼你可以在哪裡遛狗呢?香港看似一 your dogs in Hong Kong? Hong Kong seems to be a dangerous place for our furry friends as the streets are narrow and vehicles 個危險的地方,除了街道狹窄,也有無數的汽車;可 countless, but there are always exceptions. Below is a list of dog- 是,凡事都有例外。以下是編者建議你帶狗狗散步的 friendly places where you can walk your dogs: 一些地方: 1. Central and Western District Promenade Sheung Wan 1. 中西區海濱長廊 上環段-寵物角 Section- Pet Corner 雖然中西區海濱長廊 上環段不算是一個特別大的地 While not a large park, Central and Western District Promenade 1


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