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劳动合同 Labor Contract 甲方(用人单位)名称: Party A (Employer): 公司 地址: Address: 法定代表人: Legal representative: 乙方:(劳动者) Party B: (Laborer) 姓名: Name: 身份证号码: ID No.: 户籍所在地: Place of domicile: 通讯地址: Mailing address: 甲乙双方根据中华人民共和国《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》等法律、法规,在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,同意订立本劳动合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 Based on Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, and other laws and regulations, on the basis of equity, free will and consensus, both parties agree to conclude the Labor Contract to commonly comply with all provisions herein. 一、劳动合同及期限 Labor Contract and Term 合同期限: 1Contract term: 本合同自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,试用期限为 3 个月。 The contract is valid from to , and the probation is 3 months. 2、任职职务(工作岗位): 2Title (post): 3、工作汇报对象: 3Report to: 4、工作地点: 4Work location: 公司 5、工作时间: 5Working hours 每天工作8小时,休息日由上级主管结合酒店工作实际予以灵活安排。每周休息不少于1天。 Work 8 hours per day, and the rest day is flexibly arranged by the leading supervisor depending on the actual work in the hotel. It should rest for no less than 1 day per week. 6、工作职责: 6Job responsibilities: 详见《职位说明书》 See Job Description of for details. 7、保密约定: 7Confidentiality: 在工作中得到的有关机密信息管理、公司财产和客户资料等公司的所有事项无论在职期间或者离职后未经公司许可不得泄露给第三方。 Without permission of the company, the management of related confidential information, company property, customer data and all matters related to the company obtained during the work shall not be disclosed to the third party. 二、乙方劳动报酬及福利待遇 Labor Remuneration and Welfare of Party B 1、工资 1Salary 试用期及转正后;月工资及福利为 人民币 元/月;发薪日为_ 日,遇节假日顺延。 After probation and the employee becomes a regular worker, the monthly salary and welfare is RMB Yuan. The salary will be paid on the 15th of each month. In case of festival and holiday, it will be postponed. 以上薪酬包括受聘方加班、通宵工作或外出公干等职责需求的补偿。 The above remuneration includes the compensation necessary for overtime work, all-night work or business trip of the employee. 每年发放13个月月薪。 It issues 13 months of salary annually. 2、奖金 2


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