中国医科大学2014年1月考试《生理学(本科)》在线作业(Chinese medical university in January 2014, physiology (undergraduate) online homework).doc

中国医科大学2014年1月考试《生理学(本科)》在线作业(Chinese medical university in January 2014, physiology (undergraduate) online homework).doc

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中国医科大学2014年1月考试《生理学(本科)》在线作业(Chinese medical university in January 2014, physiology (undergraduate) online homework)

中国医科大学2014年1月考试《生理学(本科)》在线作业(Chinese medical university in January 2014, physiology (undergraduate) online homework) Chinese medical university in January 2014, physiology (undergraduate) 1. Single selection (50 test questions, 100 points) 1. The second messenger DG activates the cytoplasm A. protein kinase A (PKA) B. protein kinase C (PKC) C. protein kinase G (PKG) D. tyrosine kinase E. nitric oxide synthase (NOS) 2. In the systemic circulation, the microartery has the largest A. blood flow B. Peripheral resistance C. Blood flow velocity D. blood pressure E. total sectional area 3. Normally, when the glomerular filtration rate is 125ml/min, the reabsorption rate of the proximal tubule is A. 60 ml/min B. 65 ml/min C. 87.5 ml/min D. 90 ml/min E. 95.6 ml/min 4. The decrease of nerve cell action potential is due to A. internal flow The outflow of B. C. internal flow The outflow of D. E. internal flow The excitability of the phase cell is zero A. resting period B. Absolutely not C. Relatively refractory period D. supernormal period E. low often period 6. The physiological significance of the function of the elastic reservoir of the aorta is A. Keep the blood flowing in the blood vessels B. Raise the systolic pressure C. Increase the fluctuation range of arterial blood pressure D. lower the diastolic blood pressure E. store more blood 7. The main factor affecting the activity of the precapillary sphincter is A. Norepinephrine B. adrenalin C. tissue metabolism D. acetylcholine E. histamine 8. The glomerular capillary pressure and renal blood flow remained relatively stable when the arterial blood pressure fluctuate A. 40 ~ 100 MMHG B. 50-140 MMHG C. 60 ~ 120 MMHG D. 80-180 MMHG E. 180 ~ 220 MMHG 9. The delivery of the fibrous endings that dominate the sympathetic nerve of the digestive tract is A. vasoactive peptides B. adrenalin norepinephrine D. dopamine E. acetylcholine 10. The motivation for ventilation is Respiratory movement B. the pressure between the atmosphere an



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