中国戏曲行走于诗化与写意之间(Chinese opera walking between poetics and freehand).doc

中国戏曲行走于诗化与写意之间(Chinese opera walking between poetics and freehand).doc

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中国戏曲行走于诗化与写意之间(Chinese opera walking between poetics and freehand)

中国戏曲行走于诗化与写意之间(Chinese opera walking between poetics and freehand) Chinese opera: walking between poetics and freehand -- professor zhu hengfus speech at the university of Shanghai -- As the most Chinese artistic style with Chinese cultural characteristics, drama must be known, otherwise it is not a qualified Chinese. No matter how much you know about Chinese opera, the feeling of Chinese opera is deep or shallow, and there is no denying that it is beautiful, but where is beauty? Different perspectives and perspectives come to different conclusions. I think there are three aspects, one is the high comprehensive, the second is the prominent freehand, the third is the distinct local. Poetic play The drama is filled with the spirit of the poem, whether it is in language, performance, or in the expression of a question. The most representative of the poetic spirit of the opera is that the writers, with the help of drama, express their feelings and express their views on the ideal society and the ideal life. Lets start with a high level of comprehensiveness. There are so many different kinds of art in human society that we can generalize them into two categories: one is the art of time, the other is the art of space. The art of time is the art that depends on time, such as music, singing, recitation, etc. The art of space is the art that relies on space, such as sculpture, architecture, painting, clothing and so on. And drama, it is to combine the time art and space art and the art of drama in song, dance, have read, a dress, a painting, therefore, the drama is a comprehensive art. Whether in the early stage of European drama, or the contemporary drama in Europe and the United States, as long as it is drama, it must be a comprehensive art. Drama is a kind of drama, and nature is no exception. However, Chinese opera is different from American and American dramas. The drama of Europe and America, although it is also comprehensive art, but each kind of drama form is biased



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