03-1-1 中国市场消费的取舍逻辑(03-1-1 Chinese market consumption logic).doc

03-1-1 中国市场消费的取舍逻辑(03-1-1 Chinese market consumption logic).doc

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03-1-1 中国市场消费的取舍逻辑(03-1-1 Chinese market consumption logic)

03-1-1 中国市场消费的取舍逻辑(03-1-1 Chinese market consumption logic) Chinas rapid economic growth has increased consumer choice and improved consumer purchasing power. But pragmatic Chinese consumers are not just spending upgrades, most of them have homes. Logic of consumption in Chinese market Li Hong works as a manager in a logistics company in Suzhou,. In the past five years, she has been promoted three times at 33, and her after tax income has doubled compared with five years ago. Her husbands career is booming. The couple, 2010, had a total income of $120 thousand last year, reaching Suzhous upper middle class income levels. With the increase in income, the family lived very well, eating out more times, and occasionally she did beauty care. But in the cost of living, she is still very careful in reckoning deposit monthly income: 35%, saving money to buy a house and preparing for medical expenses; even the occasional luxury to buy a large commodity, she will reduce spending in other places, in order to balance. Earlier this year, for example, Li Hong bought a portable computer for nearly a months salary after three months of research. To balance the expenses, she cut out the number of meals and grooming. Li Hong cut spending on many daily commodities, changed the budget for buying computers, and continued to maintain high savings rates. There are many people like Li Hong in China who have adopted a similar consumer choice strategy. Thats one of the most interesting conclusions of McKinseys China consumer survey in 2010. Nearly 75% of the respondents indicated that they in the past year at least in a consumer category increased spending; and the 2/3 said their spending cuts in other spending categories, to balance the new spending. They have take, give up, and Li Hongs approach is exactly the same. The consumer behavior of choice exists in every income layer and age class. Although the Chinese are getting richer, they are still thrifty, pragmatic and cautious. At least in



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