07-09还有2014年郑东真题(And the 2014 zheng dong true problem).doc

07-09还有2014年郑东真题(And the 2014 zheng dong true problem).doc

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07-09还有2014年郑东真题(And the 2014 zheng dong true problem)

07-09还有2014年郑东真题(And the 2014 zheng dong true problem) 07 years, Zhengzhou Zheng Dong New District recruitment examination for teachers A single choice (in each item of four answer options, choose a correct answer, and the correct answer questions before the number in parentheses, every day 1 points, a total of 15 points) (L), the famous Czech educator Comenius book publication, education form sign an independent discipline. A, B, general education and teaching, C D, on Christian Education speaker of education (2) the most important and basic human relationships in the course of education -. A relationship between teachers and students, B, classmate relationship, C, parent-child relationship, D, teachers and parents (3) the basis of the moral education process is -. A, self education, B, school education, C, morality, emotion, D, activities and contacts (4) - belonging to individual psychological characteristics A, motivation, B, ideal C, ability, D, world view (5), students master the concept of number, the number is divided into real and imaginary; the real number is divided into rational and irrational numbers, rational numbers can be divided into integer, decimal and fraction belong to. A, the abstract process of thinking, the process of B and the process of thinking C, the classification process of thinking, the general process of D and thinking (6) Zhang Ming and others are forthright and enthusiastic, but impatient and impulsive. A, multi blood B, bile C, mucinous D, and depression (7) in all kinds of teaching activities, it is beneficial to high efficiency, and the form of students teaching organization in large scale is A, individual teaching, B, group teaching, C, class teaching, D, design teaching (8), let the school each side of the wall to speak, let the school, every tree and Bush a brick and stone are playing, which reflects the impact of Education -- moral education method A, example, demonstration, B, persuasion, education, C, edification, education



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