25《李时珍》第一课时(The first class of li shizhen).doc

25《李时珍》第一课时(The first class of li shizhen).doc

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25《李时珍》第一课时(The first class of li shizhen)

25《李时珍》第一课时(The first class of li shizhen) 25 Li Shizhens first class First teach time I. Introduction Teacher: the students of our country vast territory and abundant resources, large population, has a long history of five thousand years of civilization, a shine with great splendor culture, in the long history, the emergence of many great statesmen, thinkers, writers, scientists, they are the pride of the Chinese nation, is an example of our study. Although some of them have been away from us for a long time, their moving deeds are handed down from generation to generation. Their brilliant thoughts and noble qualities are always worth learning and developing. Who do we need to know and study today in this class? (writing on the blackboard) Li Shizhen. Two. Show photos and introduce people Have you seen a picture of Li Shizhen? Please look. (prompt photo) Teacher: who can use the words on the blackboard to say what kind of man Li Shizhen is? Show your blackboard (1) Hubei Qichun Compendium of Materia Medica at home medical drugs Student: Chinas famous physician and pharmacologist Li Shizhen is Hubei Qichun people, he wrote a book called Compendium of Materia Medica. Student: I was born in a famous medical and pharmaceutical experts Li Shizhen Hubei Qichun, he wrote a book called Compendium of Materia Medica. Student: Li Shizhen was born in a famous Chinese medicine and drugs in Hubei of Qichun, wrote a book called Compendium of Materia Medica. Teacher: everyone speaks very well! Now the Compendium of Materia Medica word in the sentence first and then talk about? Student: Compendium of Materia Medica is written by birth in Hubei Qichun China famous medical and pharmaceutical experts Li Shizhen. Three, check Preview 1 read the text by name. Requirements: read the correct pronunciation, no leakage of words. Thinking: what does the text write about Li Shizhen? 2. Show the blackboard (2) At that time, hang (Xing) was a hang (Xing) industry. Teacher: what the polyphonic s



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