2KOL操作(2 kol operation).doc

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2KOL操作(2 kol operation)

2KOL操作(2 kol operation) Basic attack key operation: (rocker, upper, lower, left, right, any key, collectively referred to as rocker key) 1, ordinary layup: within the free throw line, near the basket, do not press to accelerate, press the shooting key or rocker key can be made. 2, three step layup: press the accelerator key to break, and then release the accelerator button near the free throw line. Press the shooting key or the remote key immediately. 3, shooting: by playing key + shot button or right rocker while holding down the shooting, i.e.. 4, tip: Cap / rebound in key position will appear on. 5, fill button: accelerator / block / rebound key at the same time press and hold, in the favorable position that will appear buckle. 6, jump step: jump there are three kinds, the following are introduced in turn: (1) jump in the move, and press the shooting key gently while moving. (2) by jumping while playing, by blocking shots or rebounds. (3) skip when holding, stop when you catch the ball or throw it off, then double-click the shooting key + jump direction. 7, tie rod: players jump into the air to make a layup or dunk action, quickly press any rocker key, that is, pull rod action. Remember, press the joystick button timing is very important, otherwise easy to have the ball to hit or knock to ring along the lower edge of the situation. 8, reverse layup: along the baseline, with rocker key combination shot to the bottom line of direction, can make the action, if the dunks and jumping ability is relatively high, in this case, easy to exchange air dunk action. 9, reverse dunk: facing the basket movement, press and hold the accelerator key, and use the rocker key to combine into the reverse direction of the backboard, that is, the direction of the back of the player, it is easy to make a 360 degree turn buckle or both hands back buckle. 10, insider attack: (1) turn to pick the basket: inside the ball or by playing, and press and hold at the same time press the key + poin


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