05.存在的背景和人类的心智(The background and the human mind).doc

05.存在的背景和人类的心智(The background and the human mind).doc

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05.存在的背景和人类的心智(The background and the human mind)

05.存在的背景和人类的心智(The background and the human mind) 5. the context of existence and the human mind DB: maybe we can further explore the nature of the background, to see whether it has any relationship with human beings, how can we take it, whether the human brain can produce mutation. K: can we look at the problem from another angle, that is to say, why do we have the concept? Is that background just a concept? Why does the concept become so important? These are the first things we must clear up. DB: may have no obvious difference between the concept and the concept of something beyond, so people often mistake the concept is not abstract but truth. K: thats what I want to know. Is that background just a concept, an illusion, a philosophical theory? Or is there absolute reality, nothing beyond it? DB: how do you know nothing else is over? K: Ill explain later. I just want to know if we are just aware of it, observing it, or seeing through it Because Western and Eastern religious beliefs are all based on the concept, are we starting from the philosophical point of view when we discuss this problem? Philosophy refers to the love of wisdom, truth, and research. Are we actually interested in sex, commentary and research, or are we really trying to figure out what that background is? DB: perhaps not all philosophers are starting from the concept, but the real philosophy through concept to convey. Krishnamurti: what is the difference between a philosophers mind and a religious mans heart? Do you know what I mean? A heart trained by knowledge, capable of studying that background? DB: basically, the background is an unknown field, so we cannot proceed from knowledge. G: from a once said that the background does exist, then other people will say: please give your evidence, to show it to us. Is this person trying to find something, or is he really passionate about the truth? Or just want to talk about it? DB: I think people have a kind of want to make it clear of the demand, we



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