中国公民健康素养66条(66 health literacy of Chinese citizens).doc

中国公民健康素养66条(66 health literacy of Chinese citizens).doc

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中国公民健康素养66条(66 health literacy of Chinese citizens)

中国公民健康素养66条(66 health literacy of Chinese citizens) The definition, contained in the Charter of the WHO (WHO), suggests that peoples health is not only about disease, but also about three aspects of physical, psychological and social adjustment. Good health, strong physique, and good functioning in all organs of the body. Mental health refers to the correct evaluation of themselves, dealing with stress in life, can work properly, make its own contribution to society. The perfect state of social adjustment refers to the balance and coordination between individuals and the environment, society, and interpersonal communication through self-regulation. 2. everyone has the responsibility to protect himself and the health of others. A healthy lifestyle can maintain and promote his own health. Everyone has the right to obtain his own health, and also does not harm and / or maintain the health of himself and others. Everyone can get healthy and improve the quality of life by taking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Prevention first, the sooner the better, and choosing a healthy lifestyle is the best investment in life. To improve the health of every citizen, it is necessary for all the members of the state and society to work together to create a supportive environment conducive to health. 3., healthy lifestyle mainly includes four aspects: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation, alcohol restriction and psychological balance. A healthy lifestyle is a healthy, habitual way of doing things. The main performance is the law of life, no bad habits, personal hygiene, environmental hygiene, food hygiene, science, science, usually pay attention to health care, sick timely medical treatment, and actively participate in sports activities and social activities, health etc.. A reasonable diet refers to a diet that provides overall, balanced nutrition. Food diversity can meet the needs of various human nutrition, and achieve reasonable nutrition and promote health. The



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