上场和下场(Coming and going).doc

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上场和下场(Coming and going)

上场和下场(Coming and going) First, why is there the play and the end? A flickering light source, if its frequency reaches 50 times per second (that is, the frequency 50Hz), is not blinking in human eyes. The light guns in our house were bright and put out, so we didnt feel that he was bright and bright in our eyes, because the frequency reached 50Hz. According to this principle, the image originally transmitted per second of the television set is set to 50 frames. We dont think this image is blinking in our eyes. However, according to the technical ability at that time, it was difficult to transmit 50 frames per second. This should be based on the working principle of the picture tube. The working principle of the picture tube is that the image is produced by transmitting electrons from the electronic gun at the rear of the picture tube to the screen, and the electrons hit the screen to produce a bright spot. If the screen has a resolution of 720*576, then the control of the electronic gun through the deflection coil begins at the top left of the screen and moves to the right. A total of 720 electrons are emitted and then moved down 576 times to reach the bottom of the screen. The intensity of the transmitted electron is used to represent the brightness of the pixel, and a frame is transmitted. This can be worked out. Each electron gun transmits an image to emit 720*576=414720 electrons. If you want to transmit 50 frames per second, then the frequency of his work is 414720*50=2073600/ seconds. This high frequency electron gun can not reach the real reason, (this is not the case, this is just the image frequency, image to such a high frequency, the carrier frequency of the signals is more demanding, more difficult to meet the requirements, we should tell it to great lengths, and I also is not very clear, so we understanding is the same meaning). This is the cause of entrances and exits the first reason -- scientists using visual retention for electron gun not sequentiall


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