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设计总说明 环氧丙烷(PO)是除聚丙烯和丙烯腈外的第三大丙烯衍生物,是重要的基本有机化工合成原料,主要用于生产聚醚、丙二醇等,它也是合成聚氨酯不可或缺的。它也是第四代洗涤剂非离子表面活性剂、油田破乳剂、农药乳化剂等的主要原料。作为一种重要的有机化学中间产物,环氧丙烷(PO)每年全球会制造400万吨以上的环氧丙烷。然而,在两种传统的制造环氧丙烷的方法中,氯醇法会产生严重的环境污染,而共氧化法会制造出大量联产物。因此,我们需要开发一种快速且清洁的制造环氧丙烷的办法来取代现有的工业方法。丙烯的直接环氧化法通过利用催化剂,使用过氧化氢()作为氧化剂来制造环氧丙烷,这种方法被认为是环氧丙烷清洁生产工艺的重要发展趋势。这种方法具有较易实现的反应条件,高催化剂活性和高原子经济性,并且无污染问题。作为化工合成原料,环氧丙烷的纯度直接影响着后续产品的质量,在聚氨酯生产工艺中要求环氧丙烷的纯度要高于99%。在环氧丙烷的生产过程中,精馏工段的设计将直接影响到产品的纯度。 精馏塔是进行精馏的一种塔式汽液接触装置,它是化工企业进行连续化生产的主要生产装置之一,在化工生产过程中起着十分重要的作用,精馏塔是运用精馏的原理,将沸点不同的两种或者两种以上的混合液体进行分离的装置,其主要作用是为气液两相接触进行相际传质提供空间[1]。 本设计旨在完成高纯度(大于99%)环氧丙烷生产精馏工段的设计,进行此次课程设计的目的是为了培养综合运用所学知识做到能独立进行初步设计;掌握设计的基本程序和方法;学会查阅技术资料、选用公式和数据;用简洁文字和图表表达设计结果;用CAD制图以及计算机辅助计算等能力方面得到一次基本训练,为以后从事设计工作打下坚实的基础。 DESIGN EXPLANATION Oxygen propane(PO)is the third largest propylene derivative in addition to polypropylene and acrylonitrile , is an important basic organic chemical raw materials , it is mainly used for the production of polyether, propylene glycol and so on , it is also an integral part of the synthesis of polyurethane . It is also the main raw material for the fourth generation of detergent nonionic surfactant, oil field, and pesticide emulsifie . As an important organic chemical intermediate, propylene oxide (PO) can produce more than 4 million tons of propylene oxide every year. However, in the two traditional methods of producing propylene oxide, It can cause serious environmental pollution, and the CO oxidation process will produce a large number of products .so , we need to develop a fast and clean method of producing propylene oxide to replace the existing industrial methods. Direct ep-oxidation of propylene by using catalyst, Use of hydrogen peroxide () as an oxidant to produce propylene oxide, This method is considered to be an important development trend in the process of clean production of propylene oxide. This method has the advantages of easy realization of the reaction conditions, high catalytic activity and high atomic economy, and has no pol


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