强激光与核反应 - 近代物理研究所.PDF

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强激光与核反应 - 近代物理研究所

强激光与核反应 •激光与物质的相互作用 •激光加速粒子的原理 •激光引起的核反应 •激光核反应的前景 中科院近代物理研究所 靳根明 04.12.20 激光分类 • Pulsed Lasers Pulse lasers operate for very short periods usually for much less than one second. They can produce extremely high peak powers but only for a very short period of time. Many pulsed lasers have very low average powers • Continuous Lasers (CW) Continuous lasers operate continuously for periods exceeding one second. These lasers usually have a relatively high average power and are often classified as military lasers. 脉冲激光 • Short Pulse Lasers (Chirped Pulse Amplification) Extremely short duration pulse of the order of 1 ps. These lasers are based on recent advances in pulse compression techniques and can produce irradiances exceeding 1020 W cm-2 . 32sets • Long Pulse Lasers Lasers whose pulse duration is of the order of 1 ns used for inertial confinement fusion research. These are some of the older generation of high power lasers such as the NOVA at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. 18sets 激光器部件 Component Purpose Produce a low power high precision pulse which is to be further Oscillator amplified in a separate power amplifier. Optical Prevent damage from parasitic feedback from higher power Isolator stages back into lower power amplification stages. Stretcher/A. Decrease the intensity of a laser pulse by stretching it in time. TH Power Amplify a weak pulse and produce very high power pulse while Amplifier maintaining the initial characteristics of the initial pulse. To remove wavefront distortions by focusing the beam through a Spatial Filter pinhole.



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