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Photography Photography Photographs provide a two-dimensional representation of the crime scene and all of its pertinent factors. 它能提供两维方式来表现犯罪现场和其他要件; Presents a logical story told in visual form 以视觉形式逻辑地描述犯罪; The most important prerequisite for photographing a crime scene is to have it in an UNALTERED condition 最为重要的在于:忠实地记载未经变动的现场情况; Photographs supplement the sketch 补充现场制图; A sequence of photographs showing all pertinent locations in an organized manner must be compiled to adequately exhibit a crime scene.一组展现证据特征的现场照片经过的必要整合,能充分展现犯罪现场。 Photography Subject matter found in a crime scene should be represented by a progression of “general to specific” 犯罪现场发现的各种细目的摄制应当遵循“从一般到特别”的推演; To achieve this progression, the crime scene should be covered by photographs from three major vantage points. 照相必须要从三要点来覆盖全部现场。 Overall Photographs 概貌照相 Mid–Range Photos中景照像 Legal Admissibility合法性问题 Accurate Representations 准确记录现场 Free of Distortion 不会(像证人)歪曲 Material and Relevant 物质性和关联性 Objective 客体问题 Only get one chance to document scene 只有一种方式(视觉)来记录现场 35mm/Polaroid/Digital 规格:35mm胶片、反转片、数码 Photograph close up with/without scale 使用标尺 Film is cheap…………….SO USE IT! Typical Crime Scene Photos要点 Views of exterior of the building with relation to other buildings, roads or streets 建筑物的外景——与其他建筑的关系,路街 Point of entry, exit 进出口 Conditions of all rooms 所有房间的情况 Articles left at the scene 现场遗留物品 Trace evidence 痕迹证据 Toolmark, shoe, and tire impressions 工具痕迹、鞋印、车痕 Fingerprints 指纹 911的现场照片 Follow up Photography 近景照相 Autopsy Photographs Clothing衣服(碎片、分离物) Wounds (伤口) Tattoos(纹身) Evidence on the body (身体上的各种证据) The Crime Scene Sketch 现场制图 Elements of Sketches制图要素 Compass Direction 指南针定位方向 Standard arrow indicating north Scale 比例尺 1” = 5’ Legend or Key 备注 explanation of symbols used Title 标题 Case number, Date/time prepared, scene portrayed, location, sketch artist, scale, legend or key. 案号、日期、地点、制图者、比例尺和备注关键词。 Elements of Sketches制图要素 Measurements 尺寸标识 Scope of the sketch 制图范围 Take


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