自动控制 - 国立高雄应用科技大学.PDF

自动控制 - 国立高雄应用科技大学.PDF

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自动控制 - 国立高雄应用科技大学

國立高雄應用科技大學 九十 八學年度碩士班招生考試 機械與精密工程研究所 (乙組) 准考證號碼 □□□□□□□□□ (考生必須填寫 ) 自動控制 試題 共 2頁 ,第 1頁 注意 :a.本試題共 5題 ,每題 20 分 ,總分 100 分 。 b.作答時不必抄題 ,以中文或英文作答 。 1. A rotational mechanical system is shown in Figure 1, where J is the inertia, K is the spring constant of the shaft, B is the viscous friction coefficient, T(t) is the applied torque, and  (t) and  (t) are angular displacement coordinates. 1 2 a) Derive the equations of motion for the system. (10%)  (s) b) Find the transfer function of 2 , where  (s) and T(s) are Laplace 2 T(s) transforms of  (t) and T(t) , respectively. (10%) 2 Figure 1 2. The input-output transfer function of a system is given by 2 Y(s) 3s  5s12 U(s) 3 2 . s  10s  13s 5 a) For obtaining the state equations in observer canonical form, draw the state diagram of the system. (10%) 試題 共 2頁 ,第 2頁 b) Write the state equations in observer canonical form from the state diagram. (10%) 3. The differential equation of a system that has an output y(t) varying with time t when subject to a unit step input


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