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zwwx@ ISSN 1009-5039 Overseas English 海外英语 2012 年02 月 Overseas English 海 外 英 语 Tel:+86-551-5690811 5690812 《荆棘鸟》中拉尔夫的人格分析 窦秋萍 (青岛滨海学院,山东滨海,266555 ) 摘要:从人性和神性的角度分析了《荆棘鸟》中的拉尔夫神父的人格分裂现象,主要从宗教分裂背景、社会历史背景和拉尔夫的性格 上的弱点三个角度进行了探讨。剖析了拉尔夫在追求宗教信仰的过程中所导致其人格的扭曲,最终造成了他个人的悲惨命运。揭 示了宗教信仰对人类心灵的双重影响,也揭示了当时的社会宗教现象。 关键词:拉尔夫;人格;分裂;人性;神性 中图分类号:I106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5039(2012)03-0238-02 AnalysisofthePersonalitySplitinRalphofTheThornBirds DOU Qiu-ping (Qingdao Binhai University,Qingdao 266555,China) Abstract:The split of the personality in Ralph of The Thorn Birds is analyzed from the perspective of humanity and divinity. The causes for the split are mainly from the religious background, socio-historical background and Ralphs personal weaknesses. The exceeding pur⁃ suit of religious belief in Ralphs life leads to his distortion of the personality, finally resulting in his personal awful fate.It reveals the dual ef⁃ fects on the human heart of the religious beliefs, and also reveals the religious phenomenon of the society at that time. Keywords:Ralph; personality; split; humanity; divinity The Thorn Birds written by Colleen McCullough was pub⁃ church. Before coming to Kilambo, Ralph served on bishops side. lished in 1977, regarded as Gone with the Wind in Australia. Being For his blunt bad temper, he is banished to the Kilambo where is a record-breaking international bestseller, it caused a great sensa⁃ filled with flies and dust .Blunt personality makes him suffer set⁃ tion


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