巴尔蒂斯(Barr di).doc

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巴尔蒂斯(Barr di)

巴尔蒂斯(Barr di) Balthus (1908-2001), who finally reached the 21st century, was frail and decrepit, but his magical eyes still radiated magic. In the Alps of western Switzerland, baldis recluded through a steep, dark valley, along a winding trail to get to his villa. Barr di and his second wife, a Japanese wife, to live in the sanctuary, he seldom let guests, in Japanese clothes sitting room lying on the counter part made a bust sculpture. In his later years, baltiss had a lot of bad eyesight, and he used to draw large oil paintings in accordance with his sketches, which he later could not use to sketch directly on the canvas. He likes to pile up layers of color, the picture is rough, like mural. In 1993, in the studio of the villa, he left behind his last piece, the cat and the mirror. In 1998, bartis posed for a picture with his beloved maiden portrait, the side of Colette (1954), with a vague impression of the subtle colors of the young girl. Barr di sitting under the picture of the sofa, put the glass on the table, his eyes staring at the front, seem to be immersed in the memories of the past, thin barr di unfortunately fell ill, he has been admitted to the hospital. On February 17, 2001, he went through the discharge formalities, left the hospital and went back to the villa. Ten days later, he was supposed to celebrate his 93rd birthday. The next day, on February 18, the 20th century brilliant realist painter died at the age of 92. On February 29, 1908, baltiz was born to a polish aristocratic family in Paris, whose full name was Balthazar Klossowski deRola. His forefathers were well-known in Poland. In the 1830s, his grandfathers family emigrated from Poland to France for political reasons. In the mid-19th century the family of baldiss grandfather left Russia and ran to France. Barr di father erich crowe SuoFuSi base is art historian and artist, he studies French painter Mr Du m (Honor e Daumier, 1908-1879) of the book, until today is still seen as the authoritat


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