热力学第一定律习题(The first law of thermodynamics).doc

热力学第一定律习题(The first law of thermodynamics).doc

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热力学第一定律习题(The first law of thermodynamics)

热力学第一定律习题(The first law of thermodynamics) The first chapter?? The first law of thermodynamics ? The next chapter returns ? 1. Judgment (whether or not) : 1. When the state of the system is certain, all state functions have certain values. When the state of the system happens The values of all the state functions change as they change. 2. Volume is the state function of the range property; In the saturated aqueous solution with excess NaCl (s), When the temperature and pressure are certain; The volume of the system is proportional to the amount of water and NaCl in the system. 3. Under 101.325 kPa, 100 ℃ have lmol coexistence system of water and vapor, The state of the system is completely certain. 4. A certain amount of ideal gas, when the internal energy and temperature are determined, all the state functions are completely determined. 5. The temperature rise of the system must be absorbed from the environment, and the system temperature will not change with the environment. 6. The values of Q and W are generally different from the same initial state through different processes to the same final state, Q + W The values are generally different. 7. Because of the QP = Δ H, QV = Δ U, so QP and QV are state function. The heat absorbed by the closed system during constant pressure is the enthalpy of the system. 9. For a certain number of ideal gases, when the temperature is certain, the thermodynamic energy and the enthalpy value must be, The difference is also certain. 10. Under 101.325 kPa, 1 mol l00 ℃ water evaporation constant temperature of 100 ℃ water vapor. If water vapor can be treated as an ideal gas, the isothermal due process, so the process Δ U = 0. 11.1 mol, 80.1 ℃ and 101.325 kPa to vacuum evaporation of liquid benzene is 80.1 ℃ and 101.325 kPa Gaseous benzene. We know that the enthalpy of this process is 30.87 kJ, so this process is Q = 30.87 kJ. Under 12.1 mol of water in l01.325 kPa from 25 ℃ up to 120 ℃, its Δ H = ∑ CP, mdT. 13. Because enthalpy is a


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