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Do you like squares? Then go with me! Famous squares in the world Speaker ----Tina * . Piazza San Mar圣马可广场 Trafalgar Square 特拉法尔加广场 * Piazza San Marco Piazza San Marco (often known in English as Saint Marks Square), is the principal square of Venice, Italy, where it is generally known just as the Piazza. All other urban spaces in the city (except the Piazzetta) are called campi. The Piazzetta (the little Piazza) is an extension[iks’ten??n] of the Piazza towards the lagoon[l?ɡun ] in its south east corner (see plan). The two spaces together form the social religious and political centre of Venice and are commonly both considered together. * History The Piazza originated in the 9th century as a small area in front of the original Saint Mark‘s Basilica圣马可大教堂. It was enlarged to its present size and shape in 1177, when the Rio Batario, which had bounded it to the west, and a dock船坞, which had isolated the Doge’s Palace总督宫 from the square, were filled in. 马可是圣经中《马可福音》的作者,威尼斯人将他奉为守护神。相传828年两个威尼斯 商人从埃及亚历山大将耶稣圣徒马可的遗骨偷运到威尼斯,并在同一年为圣马可兴建教堂,教堂内有圣马可的陵墓,大教堂以圣马可的名字命名,大教堂前的广场也因此得名“圣马可广场” ?? * What are the attractions? 圣马可大教堂 Saint Mark‘s Basilica is towering in the center of St mark’s square in Venice. built in 829年 and rebuild the 1043 ~ 10711 years,.. The church was classical medieval 中世纪European architecture. * * 叹息桥(意大利语:Ponte dei Sospiri ) 叹息桥建于1603年,因桥上死囚的叹息声而得名 叹息桥是一座外观上很奇特的桥,过桥的人被完全的封闭在桥梁里。她是威尼斯最著名的景点之一。 * 威尼斯总督府Doge’s Palace 始建于9世纪,属于欧洲中世纪罗马风建筑。由于当时威尼斯与地中海东部的伊斯兰国家密切的文化贸易往来,大量阿拉伯人定居威尼斯,所以总督府立面的席纹图案明显受到了伊斯兰建筑的影响。 * * Something others The Piazza San Marco is the lowest point in Venice, and as a result during the Acquaalta高潮(尤指不时淹没威尼斯历史上有名的中心区的洪水) the “high water” from storm surges from the Adriatic亚得里亚海, or even heavy rain, it is the first to flood. Water pouring into the drains in the Piazza runs directly into the Grand Canal. This is ideal during heavy rain, but during the acquaalta it has the reverse effect, with water from the canal surging up



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