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豪伦诗腕表用户手册中英双语版 HOLUNS Watch User Manual 质保条款 Warranty clauses HOLUNS按照此质保条款为您的腕表提供24个月的质保服务,质保期自购买或客户签收当日起计,前提是您的手表必须符合HOLUNS质保条款上规定的条件。HOLUNS的全球质保服务涵盖顾客所购买的HOLUNS腕表在交付时存在的材料和制造商的瑕疵。本质保条款生效的前提是:持有HOLUNS腕表身份认证及全球质保卡并且唯一身份条码官网验证有效。 In accordance with the clauses of the warranty, HOLUNS provides the warranty of 24 months for your watch with the warranty period calculated from the date of the purchase or customer gets the receipt under the condition that your watch must meet the conditions laid down in the HOLUNS warranty clauses. HOLUNS’s global warranty service covers material and manufacturer defects in the delivery of HOLUNS watches the customer purchased. The warranty is effective with the premise: hold HOLUNS watch authentication and global warranty card as well as the unique barcode validated by official website. 质保期内,凭有效的质保卡您有权要求通过修理的方式免费排除任何瑕疵。不能通过修理恢复到您购买的正常使用状态的,HOLUNS保证为您更换一款相同或类似的HOLUNS腕表。更换后的手表的质保条款自被更换手表购买之日起24个月后终止。 Within the warranty period, with a valid warranty card, you are entitled to have any defect repaired which is free of charge. As for the watch that cannot be restored to normal state by repairs, HOLUNS ensures to replace the same or a similar HOLUNS watch for you. Warranty clauses for the replaced watch shall be terminated after 24 months from the date of the purchase of the replaced watch. 制造商的保质条款不涵盖: The clauses of the manufacturer's warranty don’t cover: 1、电池的使用寿命; 1. The service life of the battery; 2、常规的磨损和破裂以及老化(如:水晶玻璃刮痕;更换非金属表带和/或表链(如皮革、纺织物、橡胶)的颜色和/或材料;涂层剥落); 2. Regular wearing, tearing and aging (such as scratch of crystal glass, replacement of color and / or material of non-metallic strap and / or bracelet (such as leather, textiles, rubber); flaking of coating); 3、因非正常使用/滥用、粗心大意、过失、意外(撞击、敲击、挤压、表面被损等等)、不正确的使用、不遵守HOLUNS使用说明而造成的手表任何部件的任何损坏; 3. Any damage of any part due to the non-normal use / abuse, carelessness, negligence, accident (hit, knock, extrusion, surface loss, etc.), incorrect


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