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两人三分钟英语演讲稿 篇一:两人三分钟英语演讲稿 家推荐一篇优秀的3分钟英语演讲稿的范文,供大家学习! good evening ,ladies and gentlemen: 晚上好,女士们,先生们:非常感谢你傅聪来选择在这样一个寒冷夜晚.今天我的话题是关于选择和process.a研 究表明,一个人必须作出的选择73一一天,如此众多的选择,有一天,人们容易混淆,因此 害怕作出错误的选择,他们毫不犹豫地并最终错过了真正的生活的一部分。在我看来,下面 的部分是更重要的不是选择。没有绝对的对错选择,但精彩或乏味的生活,这使得该进程的 差异。 生活是一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一步你会得到。阿甘正传作出任何决定,并为自己 的成就,但他取得巨大成功与他坚强的意志的进程。这个过程是不是道路本身,而是态度和 感情,谨慎,勇气和毅力,我们作为我们遇到了新的经验和意想不到的障碍。以自己作为一 个例子,我改变了我的主要当我成为一个研究生。经过选择,天已经严厉的me.i无法理解新 的经验在所有。因为他们是密切相关的数学,我的教训面前只字不提。然而密集的信念,这 是很好的机会,我的经验新思想和新的挑战我自己,我依然存在。我要求帮助每一个通道和 reorgonized我的生活。渐渐地,我能理解一些地方,甚至发现数学interesting.moreover ,我学到采取行动而不是抱怨。回想起来,选择没有留下任何痕 迹在我的脑海,但幸福和痛苦的过去4个月成为一个难忘的经验,我的生活。无论选择是,享受这一过程。在这个过程中,您可能会得到启发和新发现,改善和进步 将来找你。这些都是最美丽的风景,只有道路上能看到it.these让您的生活多姿多彩。没有必要,我donnot要判断是否正确或错误,我来这里,但我祝贺我自己,因为我增益 和享受这美妙的经验。因此,我亲爱的朋友们,永远不会担心您的选择和享受的过程。我相 信你会得到一些新的和有趣后,今晚你选择到这里来。谢谢您! ideal society。 good evening, ladies and gentlemen: i’d like to start with a group of pictures. modern and advanced? this society forgets, and ignores the other two thirds of human beings. its far from the ideal! we call ideal as a utopian, a place where reality does not exist. a few people still look forward to the ideals. we make fun of them, considering they are naive. will we still be content to live in such a society, if misfortune drops to us? no! of cause not!when we feel the warmth of the sun, these people, endure great sorrows and pains. can we imagine that? they are our brother and sisters! facing them, will we still have the mood shouting for our own freedom?facing them, will we still want to have more and more unnecessary stuff? they are unable to meet their needs, even the basic needs of survival! everyone, as a member of humanity, shouldnt feel ashamed? our luxury deprived their lives, our indifference violated our soul, and our barbarity destroyed human civilization! whats the ideal society? its a society no one worries about their living, a society no one is refused from education, a society


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