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第 27 卷 第 31 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.27 No.31 Nov. 2007
2007 年 11 月 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2007 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.
0258-8013 (2007) 31-0104-06 TM 46 A 470 40
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 学科分类号: ⋅
(华北电力大学电气工程学院,河北省保定市 071003 )
Research on Multi-level Technique of Three-phase Current Source SVPWM
Rectifier Based on Vector Synthesis Scheme
LI Ya-bin, LI He-ming, PENG Yong-long
(School of Electrical Engineering,North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003 ,Hebei Province, China)
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new multi-level technique 0 引言
for three-phase current rectifier (CSR) based on vector
在现代电力电子装置中,提高PWM变流器 的
synthesis scheme. For a high power rectifier with N parallel
units, the referent current vectors are first divided into N groups, 功率容量、改善其输入输出性能是其重要发展方向。
and then distribute them to each rectifier unit. So, for every 对于大功率变流装置而言,目前的全控型器件(如
rectifier unit, the modulation technique is the same with GTO、IGCT、IGBT等)单管容量相对较低,且为了
identical switching frequency, and the equivalent frequency of 满足低损耗、高可靠性要求,其开关频率一般都较
the whole system is N times of each unit. This new technique 低,单纯依靠提高开关频率来实现低谐波、高性能
not only has the advantages of the traditional SVPWM
technique, but also its realization is simple. There are not