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对于热熔连接和电熔连接你了解多少 How much do you know about hot melt connection and fused connection 电熔衔接(适用管径dn630mm):将PE管材完整插入电熔管件内;将专用电熔机两导线分别接通电熔管件正负两级;接通电源加热电热丝使内部接触处FE熔融;冷却终了;施工终了后需经试压验收合格后,方可封管投入运用。法兰衔接,钢塑衔接,鞍型对接装置,这对处理主管道分流特别有效。 Fused cohesion (suitable diameter dn630mm) : insert the PE pipe full fused fittings; Will special fused machine respectively connected the two wires fused fittings of plus or minus two levels; Switch on the power heating heating wire to make internal contact FE melting; At the end of cooling; Upon the acceptance of construction need to the test after the end of, before sealing pipe is put into use. Flange connection, gangsu cohesion, saddle shaped docking device, the processing main diversion especially effective. 热熔衔接可以热熔衔接是聚烯烃(包括聚乙烯、聚丙烯和聚丁烯)资料管道系统的突出优点。可以热熔衔接的含义是聚乙烯管材、管件能够经过热熔衔接起来并且衔接处的强度超越管材管件的本体强度。聚乙烯管段能够经过热熔对接连生长管并且直径根本不变,这就为采用非开挖铺设和应用于管道内衬修补发明了条件。聚乙烯管道系统的热熔衔接方式有热熔对接(包括鞍型衔接)和热熔承插衔接。热熔承插衔接适用于直径比拟小的管材、管件(普通直径在DN63mm以下),由于直径小的管材、管件管壁较薄,截面较小,采用对接不易保证质量。 Hot melt can melt cohesion is polyolefine (including polyethylene, polypropylene and poly (butylene) data highlight the advantages of pipe system. Can be the meaning of the hot melt connection is polyethylene pipes, pipe fittings can link up with hot melt and beyond the intensity of connecting pipe fitting frame strength. Polyethylene pipe section can after hot melt for continued growth and tube diameter is constant, for adopting trenchless laying and invented the conditions applied to the pipe lining repair. Polyethylene pipe system of hot melt connection way has a hot melt docking (including saddle shaped cohesion) and hot melt socket connection. Hot melt socket connection is suitable for compare with small diameter pipes, pipe fittings (average diameter under DN63mm), due to the small diameter pipes, pipe fittings with thin wall, cross section is small, use docking is not easy to ensure the quality. 热熔对接合适于直径比拟大的管材管件,比承插衔接用料省、易制造,并且,在熔接前切去氧化外表层,熔接压力能够控制,质量较易保证。从开展意向看,给水管道才用热熔对流是主流。聚乙烯管道系统的热熔衔接


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