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提 要 目的:分析臂丛神经损伤晚期应用斜方肌移位术重建肩关节功能的临床疗效。资 料与方法:收集2001年1月~2007年9月期间,于山东中医药大学附院骨科住院治 疗的 11 例符合条件的患者进行术后的随访。根据中华医学会手外科学会肩关节功能 评定试用标准对术后疗效进行评价;根据Constant和Murley肩关节评分系统对肩关 节功能进行术前、术后比较。结果:本组病例术后患者功能恢复良好,根据中华医学 会手外科学会肩关节功能评定试用标准进行术后功能评价:11 例患者中肩关节功能 恢复优2例,占18.18%;良5例,占45.45%;可3例,占27.27%;差1例,占9.09%, 优良率 63.64%。术后患者的症状、功能得到较好改善,依据 Constant 和 Murley 肩 关节评分系统进行手术前、后比较,经 t 检验,p<0.05,有显著差异。结论:臂丛 神经损伤晚期应用斜方肌移位重建肩关节功能,是一种有效的治疗方法,能从根本上 解放健侧肢体。 关键词 臂丛神经损伤;斜方肌移位;重建肩关节功能;临床疗效 The clinical research the advanced stage of brachia plexus injury applied to trapezius muscles displacement and re-establishment of shoulder joints function Speciality: Orthopaedics of TCM Author:Zhu Kaidong Tutor:Prof:Wang Mingxi Abstract Objective :Analyzing the clinical medical treatment which the advanced stage of brachia plexus injury applied to trapezius muscles displacement and re-establishment of shoulder joints function. Materials and methods :Collecting the after-operation follow-up visits, in which there are 11 patients matched conditions in abdominal surgery of Attached Hospital of University of Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine from January, 2001 to September, 2007. According to the tentative standard of shoulder joints assessment from Chinese Medical Association Surgery Department, evaluating the after operation functions of shoulder joints functions; according to scoring system of shoulder joints of Constant and Murley, comparing before and after operation. Result :The after operation patients in this case recovered well. According to the tentative standard of shoulder joints assessment from Chinese Medical Association Surgery Department, evaluating the after operation functions of shoulder joints functions as follows: There were 2 cases superior (18.18%);5 cases good


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