华裔神探李昌钰(Chinese detective Li Changyu).doc

华裔神探李昌钰(Chinese detective Li Changyu).doc

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华裔神探李昌钰(Chinese detective Li Changyu)

华裔神探李昌钰(Chinese detective Li Changyu) Chinese detective Li Changyu In the United States, there is an average robbery every 52 seconds, every 7 minutes there is a rape case, every 26 minutes there is a murder case. - half a shoe with a hunting knife, seven blood marks, such as refute the police evidence. Every morning at 4:30, 16 hours of work, the ability of a woman secretary is still difficult to schedule. Stressing eloquence, education, maintain curiosity, curiosity, good cop, good professor, do not want to climb the ladder of success. Any fear of the scene is not afraid, but afraid of his 108 year old mother angry, almost do not watch TV, American sports stars may ask three, I do not know. Dating Dr. Li Changyu in the United States is a difficult task. He has 28 titles at the moment. In July 1998, he was appointed director of the Connecticut police department. Li Changyu, 60, regularly gets up at 4:30 every morning and works 16 hours a day. His able woman secretary, Barbara, often schedules or upset his schedule for him. The Chinese American criminal investigation master is the cutting-edge technology and rich experience, by virtue of its forensic insight into any justice, to the famous American detective skill. A man and a woman suspected of murder Cross Blood superstar Late in the night, a thrilling murder took place in the southern suburbs of California, a famous city in the southern city of Losangeles, near the famous Santa Monica beach in. The news spread quickly across the country, with media headlines making headlines. Because the residents here are mostly Hollywood stars or million millionaire, millionaire members. It was a Sunday night. A paw bloodstained dog in a house before class brother Street No. 875 run around here and there, barking. Half an hour later, two night running enthusiasts heard the dog barking and followed. They stunned in front of the bloody scene: in the residential entrance, lying in the body of a woman, a bloodstained head near the



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