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In Film The Arrangement of The Class Lexical Devices Syntactic Devices Figures of Speech Rhetoric The definition of rhetoric The development of rhetoric The purposes of rhetorical study The plan for this subject The definition of rhetoric 1. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively. 2. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively 3. Verbal communication; discourse 修辞一词大体可以分为广狭两义: (甲)狭义:修,作修饰解; 辞,作文辞解,修辞就是修饰文辞;(乙)广义: 修,作调整解, 辞,作语辞解,修辞就是调整语辞. Rhetoric (from Greek ??τωρ, rhêt?r, orator, teacher) is generally understood to be the art or technique of persuasion through the use of spoken language; however, this definition of rhetoric has expanded greatly since rhetoric emerged as a field of study in universities. In this sense, there is a divide between classical rhetoric (with the aforementioned definition) and contemporary practices of rhetoric. The development of rhetoric The Evolvement of Rhetoric Historically, classical rhetoric has its inception(beginning) in a school of Pre-Socratic philosophers known as Sophists.(In Ancient Greece, the sophists were a group of teachers of philosophy and rhetoric ). It is later taught as one of the three original liberal arts or trivium (the other members are dialectic and grammar) in Western culture. In ancient and medieval times, grammar concerned itself with correct, accurate, pleasing, and effective language use through the study and criticism of literary models, dialectic concerned itself with the testing and invention of new knowledge through a process of question and answer, and rhetoric concerned itself with persuasion in public and political settings such as assemblies and courts of law. Grammar is the law of language, considered as language; rhetoric is the art of language, considered as thought.Grammar tells what is correct; rhetoric tells what is effective and pleasing. As such, rhetoric is said to flourish in open and democratic societies with rights of


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