an overview of diversity awareness - wiu(多元化培训u2014u2014制服女人的概述).pdf

an overview of diversity awareness - wiu(多元化培训u2014u2014制服女人的概述).pdf

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an overview of diversity awareness - wiu(多元化培训u2014u2014制服女人的概述)

An Overview of Diversity Awareness C O L L E G E O F A G R I C U LT U R A L S C I E N C E S 2 INTRODUCTION TREND 1: THE GLOBAL MARKET The demographic makeup of United States society has We have all heard the expression that our world is changed dramatically in the last 25 years, and it will shrinking. To a large extent, the strength of our continue to change. Living and working in our society economy depends on our ability to do business with will require that each of us become increasingly aware countries in other parts of the world. To stay competi- of the challenge of cultural change. tive in the world market, the United States must design This publication provides an overview of the con- products that meet the needs of people from other cul- cept of cultural diversity. The information covered here tures. In addition, we must develop strategies for mar- can help you: keting those products to other countries. Such activi- • Increase your awareness of the various dimensions of ties bring diverse peoples to the planning and negoti- diversity. ating table. If we want to sell our products and make profitable business deals with people from other coun- • Examine your own cultural identity and how that tries, it only makes good business sense to develop an identity affects your relationships with others. understanding and appreciation of their cultures— • Become more aware of your own attitudes, percep- their languages, needs, wants,



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