
bpaselect 12 client brochure - aadvantage …(bpaselect 12客户手册- aadvantageu2026).pdf

bpaselect 12 client brochure - aadvantage …(bpaselect 12客户手册- aadvantageu2026).pdf

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bpaselect 12 client brochure - aadvantage …(bpaselect 12客户手册- aadvantageu2026)

bpaselect ™ annuity fixed indexed deferred annuity 12 G u a r a n t e e s G r o w t h F l e x i b i l i t y W e a l t h Tr a n s f e r + Finding a balance There was a time when planning for percent chance that one of them will live retirement was a fairly straightforward to age 90.2 As a result, many Americans process. A generation ago, those will spend as much as a third of their lives Americans that were able to retire in retirement. generally relied upon a pension, social To compound matters, rising costs of security, and some personal savings to living, healthcare costs, taxes, inflation, make it through a retirement that may and market volatility all work to reduce have lasted only about 10 years. the amount of income available to live on Since then, planning for retirement has during retirement. Time and experience become substantially more complicated. have shown us the best way to overcome Out of necessity, Americans have been these challenges is to strike a balance forced to become increasingly responsible between keeping retirement savings for their own retirement income as secure and, at the same time, maximizing pensions and lifetime healthcare coverage the amount of income generated from have, in many instances, become things them. of the past. Further, longevity



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