为什么要新课改(Why new curriculum reform).doc

为什么要新课改(Why new curriculum reform).doc

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为什么要新课改(Why new curriculum reform)

为什么要新课改(Why new curriculum reform) What should be changed in the new curriculum reform? Source: Baidu encyclopedia 2010-08-23 10:33:17 [Tags: curriculum reform, high school curriculum change] [current 6180 parents online discussion] people often think that curriculum reform is to change the teaching materials, this is not correct. According to the outline of the basic education curriculum reform of the Ministry of education, there are six major changes in the new curriculum reform: 1, in terms of curriculum objectives, we oppose the excessive emphasis on imparting knowledge, emphasizing the achievement of knowledge and skills, processes and methods, and the three dimensional goals of emotion, attitude and values. Such as chemistry, the past is clearly tell you what and what would happen, we often do not tell the students now, but let the students themselves to do the experiment, learning, understanding and memory during the experiment, experience, ability, form the correct way of thinking and values. 2, the curriculum structure, emphasizing the different functions and values of the curriculum should have a more balanced and reasonable structure, in line with the future requirements of the quality of talent and the development of students physical and mental development. It is emphasized that the courses of technology, art, sports and health, and comprehensive practical activities are strengthened, while the comprehensiveness and selectivity of curriculum are emphasized. 3, the content of the course, stressed the change complex, difficult, partial, old teaching content, so that students learn more about life, science and technology related to living knowledge. 4, the implementation of the curriculum, stressed that change to students learning as students want to learn, to stimulate students interests, so that students actively participate, willing to explore, diligent, learn to cooperate. 5, curriculum evaluation, the previous evaluation of excessive emphasis on scree



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