国际服务贸易发展的新特点及对我国的影响(New features of international service trade development and its influence on China).doc

国际服务贸易发展的新特点及对我国的影响(New features of international service trade development and its influence on China).doc

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国际服务贸易发展的新特点及对我国的影响(New features of international service trade development and its influence on China)

国际服务贸易发展的新特点及对我国的影响(New features of international service trade development and its influence on China) The new features of the development of international service trade and its impact on China.Txt14 enthusiasm is a great force, from inside out, inspire us to play the infinite wisdom and vitality; passion is a strong pillar, no matter how difficult the situation is, always gave birth to our optimistic spirit of perseverance and tenacity Without passion, there is no colour in the sky of life. Regional economy and industrial economy 18 economic theory research New features of international service trade development and its influence on China Zhang Lingqian Ma Xiaohong (Graduate School of China University of Petroleum (Qingdao East China), Shandong 266555, China) Abstract: This paper introduces the meaning and classification of international service trade, based on the comprehensive consideration of the current situation, characteristics and influencing factors of Chinas international trade in services The international service trade has carried on the new theory analysis, thus summarized from the higher production factor, the related industry development level, the enterprise organization strategy and the government function How to improve the international competitiveness of Chinas service trade, and gradually build a competitive advantage in international trade in services, which is of little significance for Chinas overall construction The Kang society, vigorously develops the socialism new type industrialization, participates in the international division of labor more effectively, enhances the international economic status to be extremely important. Key words: international service trade; present situation; countermeasure Since 1990s, the global economic competition has focused on trade in goods Steering services trade, the service sector has become the fastest growing sector in the global economy The status and role of a countrys national economy is becoming in



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